Monday, June 29, 2015

Angry Feminists

Stacy McCain:
"And let’s face it: If you weren’t angry all the time, you wouldn’t really be much of a feminist, would you?"
This observation by McCain back in 2011 was in reference to the attack on the pronoun "he" by lesbian feminists Kate Swift and Casey Miller, who somehow became editors for a sex education text (who better to teach sex than a pair of anti-masculine homosexuals??):
“Kate Swift, Writer Who Rooted Out Sexism in Language, Dies at 87,” reads the New York Times obituary headline, to which we might cheerfully add: “And Not a Moment Too Soon!”

'Ms. Swift turned her attention to the issue of sexist language when she and Casey Miller, her companion, formed a professional editing partnership in 1970 and were asked to copy-edit a sex education manual for junior high school students.

The stated goal of the manual was to encourage mutual respect and equality between boys and girls, but Ms. Swift and Ms. Miller, who died in 1997, concluded that the author’s intent was being undermined by the English language.

“We suddenly realized what was keeping his message — his good message — from getting across, and it hit us like a bombshell,” Ms. Swift said in a 1994 interview for the National Council of Teachers of English. “It was the pronouns! They were overwhelmingly masculine gendered.”'

"Read the whole thing, which was sent to me by Dave C. from At the Point of a Gun, who should therefore get all the hate-mail from angry feminists. (And let’s face it: If you weren’t angry all the time, you wouldn’t really be much of a feminist, would you?)
I have and will continue to use the generic "he" which has been the English standard from time immemorial. Lesbian hatred of non-gynocological gender(s) should not drive language conventions, or anything else. Lesbian hatred and perverted logic should be sealed hermetically, restricting it to lesbians and containing it wholly within their cloisters.

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