Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Time Magazine Justifies Rioting

I'm doing this a little backwards here: I don't know who this person is writing this, and I don't care at this point. It's carried by Time Magazine.
Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting

"Because when you have succeeded, it ceases to be a possibility, in our capitalist society, that anyone else helped you. And if no one helped you succeed, then no one is holding anyone else back from succeeding. Except they did help you, and they are holding people back."
This is the standard, official Leftist WHINE, initiated whenever their Victims act out; it's just their justifiable frustration at their constant persecution. And it is false. In no society other than western Leftist societies are people like these given so many unearned perquisites. Yet they maintain, within their subculture, a hatred of those who actually leave their subculture, giving them actual designations of "treason" such as "Uncle Tom", and "Not Black Enough". When Obama came to "rule", he said he would stick it to "the Man", and had to be reminded that HE IS THE MAN. Living on a Leftist Victimhood Reservation requires a brain-warp, one that provides self-entitlement and an accompanying arrogance based purely on the immutable nobility of the victim, and removes personal responsibility (even in the face of a plethora of perquisites) for changing oneself. The culture is self-sustaining, with constant negative feed back. It is stable up to the point where the culture itself is challenged (whites may NOT kill blacks - ever) and then the obvious occurs: stealing from businesses that serve the plantation and then torching them. Why is that obvious? One must possess the warping of the Kept Victim mind to understand. So we cannot. Unless we are Leftist and must justify the keeping of Victimhood plantations and defending them against the Other.
"So that blaming someone else for your failures in the United States may very well be an astute observation of reality, particularly as it comes to white privilege versus black privilege. And, yes, they are different, and they are tied to race, and that doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me a realist. If anything, I am racist because I am white."
And here we have the Leftist view: being white is racist. It is therefore, a civil rights violation to be white. And it is a civil rights capital crime to defend yourself from attack by a member of the designated Victimhood plantation, because, well, because of mind-warp. That's why the protesters chanted, "how do we want him? DEAD!"

Encapsulating the Leftist mind warp: Calling "white privilege" as the cause for rioting is "not racist"; being white is racist. The racism of the Left is perfectly stated by this author, as is the principle of Messiah, Victim and Oppressor Classes, the classist grouping created to sustain the self-anointed moral authority of this author and the Left in general.

The author goes on to compare the burning and looting to the original Tea Party, but fails to make the proper connection: the British King was, in fact, persecuting the colonies, while blacks in the USA have many, many programs to sustain them. The difference is a full reverse, 180 degree phase shift.
"Blacks in this country are more apt to riot because they are one of the populations here who still need to. In the case of the 1992 riots, 30 years of black people trying to talk about their struggles of racial profiling and muted, but still vastly unfair, treatment, came to a boil. "
Trying to talk? Without trying to actually produce responsible members in their own community, talk is cheap. The excuses for self-indulgent, irresponsible, permanent dependency make no sense, unless one is under the hypnotic capture of the three class system.
"And the racism they are fighting, the racism we are all fighting, is still alive and well throughout our nation. The modern racism may not culminate in separate water fountains and separate seating in the backs of buses, but its insidious nature is perhaps even more dangerous to the individuals who have to live under the shroud of stereotypical lies society foists upon them."
The "Evil Other" is hereby defined society itself which conspires to place these people onto race-based plantations? That's the pat answer, the easy generalization, the blanket condemnation which they think cannot be refuted. But it self-falsifies, because the all-inclusive entity called "society" does not conspire with itself to keep these people on the reservation; it is the combination of the Leftist Messiahs who weepingly provide the sustenance for the poor abused Victims who maintain the reservations. It is not society, period.

There is no "stereotypical lie" in play here: their behavior speaks for itself. They are who they are. They will remain that way, regardless of "society".


Robert Coble said...

The Leftist lying is exposed within the article by the author:

"Sorbo correctly ascertains that the rioting has little to do with the shooting of an unarmed black man in the street..."

If the author is correctly ascertaining that the rioting has no justification from Michael Brown's "suicide by cop," then the rest of that article can be dismissed immediately as nothing more than another Leftist's attempt to assert "white privilege" on her part. The privilege to ignore factual information, the privilege to ignore logical thought, the privilege to have access to and to use major media outlets to spew her ideological lunacy.

Here's a simple question that gives the lie to the author's "facts not required" assertions:

Would Time magazine provide the same space to any cop (perhaps Officer Darren Wilson) to counter these unsubstantiated charges of "white privilege racism?"

I won't hold my breath.

After all, the author is a person of "no color" who holds this enlightened opinion of herself: "If anything, I am racist because I am white." That lunatic statement speaks for itself. If being "white" constitutes "racism," then what possibility is there of expunging the "racism" from herself? Her "racism" is as natural as her "whiteness," and is nothing more or less than her genetic heritage.

So, we have a Leftist WHITE Messiah professing to speak to an experience that she claims never to have experienced nor to even be capable of understanding, positioning herself as a "savior" of those poor BLACK Victims who have no voice (except for Messiahs like her) and no choice except to riot and burn their own city to the ground, because - "white privilege racism."

On the author Darlena Cunha:

Darlena Cunha

A white Leftist feminist woman with "white guilt" in her heart and "white privilege" in her life, impressed by her own self-importance for producing twin girls, and writing Leftist puff pieces for Leftist media outlets.

After all, how many "people of color" can drive to the WIC office in a Mercedes?

This is what happened when I drove my Mercedes to pick up food stamps

Stan said...

It's amazing how she justifies NOT selling any stuff including the Mercedes because she would rather get free stuff.

One thing about the Left: they are without self-reflection.

Unknown said...

There was a separate piece in which Kareem Abdul Jabaar (Ibelieve) says, "To all you whites who are feeling targeted by the Ferguson riots, this is how blacks feel every single day."

Problem is, I don't know any whites who feel targeted. Last I checked, the only folks targeted by the riots were other blacks.

Could Jabaar be projecting?