Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Put To Bed

This post by Robert Tracinski at the Federalist puts a final touch on Tyson's irrational claims of total rationality (common in Scientismists). The problem is not just the lying, it is the fact that Tyson claims an objective basis for statements and behaviors which are not in the least objective. And that is an ideological failure as well as rational failure, and willful blindness to boot.

"This is all summed up in a classic Neil deGrasse Tyson aphorism which, judging from his Twitter feed, is extremely popular: “If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people.”

When you really think about this, the upshot is that no one who is religious is entitled to make decisions, not even about his own life—after all, what decision does not, in some small way, “affect other people”? By contrast, those who agree with Tyson assure themselves that because their belief system is “based on objective fact,” they are entitled to make decisions for other people, such as reorganizing the entire health-care system or dismantling the global economy to stop global warming.

All of which inspired me to tweet in response: “What if your belief that your belief system is based on an objective reality is not based on an objective reality?”

@neiltyson What if your belief that your belief system is based on an objective reality is not based on an objective reality?

— Robert Tracinski (@Tracinski) September 20, 2014

In this case, Tyson held a belief that was not founded in an objective reality. And it took a revealingly long time to get anyone to acknowledge that."
Just remember that Tyson, according to his fans, is smarter than you, smarter than everyone in the galaxy, no, all the multiverse. That means that he is always right. Got it? He is OmniRight.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

As with most Materialists, his philosophy cannot hold up under its own scrutiny and rapidly dissolves into incoherence. You can CLAIM you're rational all you like. But when you open your mouth and SPEAK as though you were devoid of reason, all bets are off.