Sunday, September 21, 2014

How The Left Came To Need Global Warming, Morally

Robert Tracinski makes interesting serial observations about how the Left thinks, and why Neil deGrasse Tyson fell into the ideological position of Scientific Moralizer for the Left.

I think his analysis is spot on, except that it doesn't address the additional element of groupie elitism, which is an emotional failure that is present in Leftist self-positioning. But Tracinski addresses a Leftist cultural evolution, based on pseudo-morality from Marxism (and thus capitalism hatred), through rejection of prosperity, and then into AGW as the all encompassing capitalist, prosperity-driven, lethal assault on mother earth herself. This presents AGW as the primary moral evidence for the greed of western societies, greed at the expense of the poor societies and the planet.

AGW is one facet of the Leftist, messiahist, moral-preening religion. And Tyson fits neatly into the evidence-for-the-religion slot, and into the intellectual elitist slot, no matter how phony the evidence nor corrupt intellectually. Further, the tactics which are chosen to implement their "anti-greed" religious tenet seem to make them wealthy, if they were not already.

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