Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hypocrisy: Atheist Style

Forcing their ideas and ONLY their ideas:
""I'm not offended," Miller said. "The Ten Commandments don't offend me. The Bible doesn't offend me. What I find objectionable is when anybody of any religion wants to force their particular ideas into the public space and make them part of public policy."
Only Atheist ideas are allowed. In fact, forced. The Atheist moral Void is their religious standard for everyone.

1 comment:

Rikalonius said...

Trying to convince and ardent Atheist that what they are doing amounts to religious apartheid is nearly impossible. The irony is they speak voluminously about diversity, while advocating denying it to CERTAIN religious practitioners. To them their worldview is correct and that's it. Full stop. They don't need to entertain your ideas and can dismiss them out of hand because they conflict with their own, and therefor must be wrong. To squelch such "evil" (a word they can often be found using) it is okay to deny Christians the right of speech and association.

What is the most astounding part of their backwards ideology is how much they continue to apologize for Islam. So it seems that in addition to being illogical bigots, they are likewise cowards. They are intellectual lightweights who simply want to wax philosophical, because sounding intelligent is more important than obtaining it through disciplined thought.