Friday, April 18, 2014

Warmists Move The Goalposts Again

The AGW Chicken Littles have been undaunted in their business of giving deadlines for the doom of planet earth, none of which have been met so far. But lucky for planet earth, they have extended the doom date another 15 years. There have been many, many deadlines for death and destruction like unto a nuclear holocaust, but slacker planet earth has not cooperated so far, and has missed them all.

Nonetheless, if you might be skeptical of this continuous failure to accurately predict, Al Gore has an argument to convince you: Skeptics are "Immoral, Unethical, and Despicable". I wonder: if I claim to be convinced by that argument, would Al give me a ride around the world in his private jet? Would he let me stay with him in his gigajoule mansion? That Al. He's a case!

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

Needless to say, Al has failed to convince me. Name-calling did not advance his case. To be honest, he described himself to a tee.

You can tell his reason has been overcome by his ego... he still thinks folks out here believe what he says, just because HE says it.